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STEAM projectsRobotics projects

12 DC Motor project ideas

Last Updated on 21/12/24 0

12 dc motor projects circuit

To all those who have just started their ABCs in electronics and robotics, or who have already mastered the basics, everyone will agree that one of the most fundamental and powerful components to work with is the DC motor. This tiny motor, as the name suggests, is primarily used to add motion to your robotics and electronics projects. Along with motion, concepts like vibration and suction make the DC motor a favorite for both beginners and pros when creating projects.

For those who are unfamiliar with it:

What is a DC motor?

A DC motor is a motor that uses direct current to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. We have created a complete guide on DC motors, covering their types, working principles, and applications. Know more here.

In this blog post, we are going to cover 12 simple DC motor-based projects that you can easily make at home using Havi’s robotic kits.

Common things you need to make DC motor projects


DC motor/Geared motor
Power bank with USB cable

Common circuit to make DC motor projects

Snap the elements: Power + Motor, Connect the power element to the power bank using USB cable.

diy toy car step 2 making

Moving forward to the DC motor projects, these mini projects are categorized into two parts. The first seven DIY DC motor projects are made using gearless motors, while the rest are made using geared motors.

Below, we provide a brief overview of each DIY DC motor project. For detailed step-by-step instructions on how to make each project, click on the corresponding link.

1. DIY Bristle bot

Made using a brush at home, the Bristle Bot (or Brush Bot) is a beginner-friendly DC motor project. By combining simple craft materials to create eyes and legs, this robotic project resembles a lifelike creature with bristles.

diy bristlebot

Step-by-step instructions: How to make DIY Bristlebot

2. DIY Robotic insect

Why not create an insect after making the bristle creature? A DC gearless motor generates vibrations, especially when paired with a glue gun stick or similar material, causing the attached components to move.

Using this same concept, you can create a robotic insect prototype project with a DC motor. Simply craft an insect design and place it around the circuit. It could be a robotic ant, butterfly, spider—anything you imagine!

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a robotic insect project.

3. DIY Scribble bot

A Scribble Bot is a robot that creates patterns on a sheet of paper using the principle of vibration. Once again, a glue gun stick will be used, and its placement is crucial for proper functionality.

In this project, we used four colored pens to create scribble art. Can you use more pens? How would you position them? Think creatively and try making this easy DIY motor project with a DC motor.

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a scribble bot.

4. DIY Dancing bot

As seen in the previous project, robots can create scribble art—but how good are you at drawing a dancing doll? Can you craft a dancer using cardboard?

To make this DC motor mini project, all you need to do is create a dancing boy or girl craft piece. And don’t worry if drawing isn’t your strong suit—we’ve provided downloadable templates in the blog to help you out!

dancing robot making steps

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a dancing robot model.

5. Vacuum cleaner model

We can create a prototype vacuum cleaner model using a plastic bottle, a propeller, Havi Elements, and a DC motor. This project introduces the concept of air suction.

When the circuit is turned ON, current flows from the power source to the motor element, causing the connected gearless motor to rotate. As the motor spins the attached propeller, suction is generated. The holes at the bottom of the bottle allow air to flow through, making the suction strong enough to collect debris. A bandage serves as the collection net for the dirt.

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a vacuum cleaner project model.

6. Newton’s disc

Using a DC motor and a simple craft, we can explore significant science concepts. By creating a color disc, you can use a DC motor to demonstrate the principle of Newton’s disc.

All you need to do is design a color disc and rotate it by positioning the shaft of the DC motor at its center. This experiment visually proves that white light is a combination of seven colors.

Can’t believe it? Try it by yourself.

newton's disc banner image havi blogs

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a DIY Newton’s disc.

7. Optical illusion discs

Similar to Newton’s disc, another fascinating, simple, and fun project using a DC motor is creating uniquely designed optical illusion discs and spinning them. This hands-on activity helps you understand the basic principles of optical illusions by observing how the disc patterns change during rotation.

You can find 20 optical illusion disc templates in the detailed blog linked below.

Step-by-step instructions: DIY Optical illusion discs

8. Simple robot

From now on, we will be using a geared DC motor for STEAM projects. First, let’s create a simple robot that can move forward, backward, and in a circle.

This simple robot, made using Havi Elements, a single geared motor, and two wheels, provides a basic example of how robots move smoothly. Building this robot takes just 5-7 minutes, and it opens up endless possibilities for creative STEAM project variations. For example, you can craft a robotic figure or any creature and attach it to the robot.

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a simple robot.

9. Robotic car

Now, by using two geared DC motors, we can build a basic robotic car that can move forward, reverse, and in circular directions (similar to a simple robot). We can use car chassis, wheels, and rollers, along with Havi Elements and DC motors.

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a simple robotic car.

We have made a designer robotic car with 18 smart car functions, you can check them out here.

10. Carnival ride project model

In the series of amusement park ride projects, the first one is a working model of a carnival ride. You can make this project using a DC motor and craft templates. Find the print-ready templates in the detailed blog.

decorate carnival ride

Step-by-step instructions: How to make DIY Carnival ride project model.

11. Ferris wheel project model

After the carnival ride project model, the next in the series of amusement park ride projects is the Ferris wheel project model. And we definitely have the easiest way to make it.

Step-by-step instructions: How to make DIY Ferris wheel project model.

12. River cleaning robot

In this project, we are going to use a DC motor to make a propeller boat, and then equip the boat with a net that collects garbage from the surface of the water, converting it into a river-cleaning robot.

river cleaning boat collecting surface waste

Step-by-step instructions: How to make a river cleaning robot project.

So, DC motors are not just a fundamental component in electronics and robotics, but also a gateway to endless creativity. Through these 12 exciting projects, you can explore the versatility of DC motors. From simple vibrating robots to more complex river-cleaning project model, the possibilities are endless when you combine DC motors with Havi’s robotic kits.

So start creating today..!

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