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Composting leaves of trees uprooted during cyclone

Last Updated on 22/06/21 0

Cyclone tauktae had hit the Bhavnagar, Diu, Una, Mahuva region on 17/18 May and it had stormed the lives of lakhs of people. Loss of wealth and infrastructure is huge and loss of lives is irrecoverable.

The biggest disaster is with the environment itself. The cyclone has uprooted 5000+ trees just in the city of Bhavnagar.

The removal of trees will adversely impact climate change. More than that, there are chances the trees will get burnt for multiple purposes and will further accelerate the danger.

Havi has taken a lead and found a novel way to create a balance.

We have plucked the leaves out of trees and buried them into the soil. This will decompose the leaves and will turn the soil fertile for future. More importantly, will save them from getting burnt.

Find the story in the photo and video here. We extend any possible help to create a sustainable future for all of us.


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